Netflix BAN you permanently: Password Shared with Family members? READ NEW RULES

Netflix will BAN you permanently: Password Shared with Family members? READ NEW RULES

If you share your Netflix passwords with friends and family who do not reside in the same household, Netflix has new rules for you.The popular streaming giant recently announced stricter restrictions on account and password sharing in India.

This move is part of its global crackdown on password sharing, which is aimed at limiting account access to only one household. While this may come as bad news for some users who are used to sharing accounts with friends, Netflix hopes it will lead to increased business and improved user experience.

Netflix BAN

Netflix will ban

Netflix’s new policy makes it clear that a single account should only be used within one household. This means that family members living together can still enjoy Netflix on various devices, whether they are at home, on vacation, or on the move. Netflix offers features like “Transfer Profile” and “Manage Access and Devices” to make it easier for family members to share the account within the same household.

Netflix uses advanced methods to identify password sharing. It tracks the user’s IP address, device ID, and account activity from devices logged into the account. By doing so, it makes it challenging for users outside the primary household to gain access.

Read Also-Netflix ने India में पासवर्ड शेयरिंग बंद की ,जानिए अब क्या करना है!

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