A Cosmic Blast "Temporarily Destroyed" Earth's Upper Layer
Ayush Singh
Nov 27, 2023
Images Credit: Google images
a supernova explosion billions of light years away was so powerful that it "temporarily destroyed" some of the Earth's ozone laye
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According to the New York Times (NYT), on October 9 2022, the telescope captured a jet of high energy photons which were moving towards Earth
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This was the evidence of the explosion of a supernova which was 1.9 billion light years away. Such events are known as gamma-ray bursts (GRB)
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Now, in the latest discovery, scientists found that this burst, which lasted nearly 7 minutes, toasted one side of the Earth's Ozone layer.
Images Credit: Google images
Therefore, the latest findings highlight the faint but real risk of closer bursts destroying our planet's protective ozone layer.
Images Credit: Google images
The discovery demonstrates how even explosions that occur far from our solar system can influence the atmosphere, which can be used as a giant detector for extreme cosmic phenomena, scientists explained.
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